“Art is a wound turned into light.” 

Georges Braque

about the artist...that's me!

color, words, and whimsy
have always been my playground
with a B.S. in journalism and public relations,
i crafted copy, design, and event planning
to promote commercial and non-profit ventures

until…my husband’s suicide forced a playground change

in solitude’s safety, grief turned vibrantly tactile
words, fibers, and untamed paint flew onto canvas
a creative storm ensued until…
with disarming flair…color, words, and whimsy exposed
the heartbreak behind suicide widow etiquette

art freed my truth and empowered healing

…on and off canvas, i'm an artful storyteller

think about it…can a passionate, pro-truth, arty suicide widow be dull?
especially the self-proclaimed queen of suicide widow etiquette reformation?

trust me, stories abound!

*about the whole 'queen' thing...
i'll happily relinquish my crown the moment
shame and stigma lift making it safe to abdicate